I started this blog with the sincere intention of writing much more regularly than I have. However, over the last few months, some exciting things have been happening that I think are important to share. In my initial posting, I had mentioned working as a spokesmodel for several companies. Well, since then, two of those relationships have become more formal. I am now one of two Southeast Regional Coordinator for Colours Wheelchair, as well as a member of Team Colours. That company is unlike any other. They make the best chairs I've ever ridden in - custom made for every user - and boast a company motto of "Life is all about the choices we make." It's a perfect fit for me and I'm proud to a part of the Colours family!
I've also taken a more formal role with LegaWear. In May, I joined the company as one of four US Sales Representatives and Spokespersons. I've also been doing some modeling for them and they're using my images on their website, their trade-show banner, and on internal and external literature. They make custom-tailored clothing, including suits, tuxedos and jeans, at affordable prices, with a fantastic online purchasing experience. They are unique clothes for unique people. As with Colours, LegaWear is offering a service that is much needed and aiming to serve an audience that is under-served at best. The co-founders and owners are wonderful people that I'm also so proud to be affiliated with. Check David Lega's story by clicking his name. I guarantee you'll be inspired.
In these new roles, my husband Jacob and I will be traveling more with these companies in the coming months. Traveling with a wheelchair is in itself an exciting experience, so I'd love to bring my readers along on my upcoming journeys. Plus, it would be fun to give you a glance into a day in the life of a Colours/LegaWear girl. So here's the schedule of events for the next couple months:
Abilities Expo in Chicago - July 8-12
Trip to California, working with Colours & visiting family - August 6-15
Abilities Expo in Houston - August 26-30
I'll keep you updated on those adventures and post more as I know of it.
I'm still the General Manager of Brenau University's radio station, 89.1 WBCX. The station is doing awesome, adding new shows all the time. We're building a great line-up, comprised of a variety of music shows and wonderful talk shows - including health shows, interview and other interesting educational programs. If you want to hear me, you can catch the Ocean Breeze - playing a mix of traditional and modern beach music and reggae, and also on the Positive Perspective - a new show I co-host with two other ladies, providing good news and inspirational stories. You don't want to miss out on all we're doing there. Click here to listen to the live stream, anytime, anywhere.
I'm still totally loving the alternative health care I've been learning about. My team of health practitioners inspire me to be healthier all the time and I love them. I workout twice a week with my personal trainer, see my naturopath about once a month and get acupuncture twice a month. It has been great. It feels right because the roots of these health approaches are connected with the natural around us, which we have seem to become disconnected from in today's society. Even more recently I've started learning a little bit about aromatherapy and it is just fascinating. I am still struggling with muscle spasms in my legs (below my spinal cord injury) but am on not a single pharmaceutical drug for them, which is pretty rare for someone who has been injured as long as I have (26 years). So, I look forward to sharing information about that as well and inspiring others to take action to feel better.
My recent graduation with my Master's of Science in Organizational Leadership was so, very rewarding. I'm looking forward to where this journey takes me and I'm pleased you're interested in coming along! Talk soon...
P.S. If you're interested in finding out more about a LegaWear suit or custom clothing - email me at kristina@legawear.com.
Let's hook up on Twitter:
LegaWear - @legawear
Colours - @colourswc
WBCX - @891wbcx
Personal - @kristinarhoades